
Food Security and Livelihood programs

Our organization is committed to promoting food security and improving livelihoods in vulnerable communities. We focus on several key areas, including Food Security, Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene (WASH), Education, and Health. Here are the details of our programs:

1. Food Security and Livelihood

Agricultural Inputs: We provide essential agricultural inputs to farmers, ensuring they have the resources needed for successful crop production.

Vocational Training and Income-Generating Activities (IGA): We empower vulnerable households, including female-headed households, by offering vocational training and supporting income-generating activities.

Animal Vaccination and Feeding: We promote animal health through vaccination programs and proper feeding practices.

Pasture Protection and Paravets Training: Our efforts extend to protecting grazing lands and training paravets (community-based animal health workers).

Environmental Protection:
We raise awareness about climate change and its impact on people’s lives and livelihoods. Our programs help communities adapt to changing environmental conditions. We encourage the use of alternative energy sources (such as gas) and sustainable construction materials (like stabilized soil blocks) to reduce reliance on firewood and wood for fuel and construction. Tree planting initiatives contribute to environmental conservation.

Nutrition Intervention:
We educate households on Essential Nutrition Actions (ENAs), emphasizing the preparation of nutritious food for children.

2. Sahari’s Impact

North Darfur:
USAID Projects: Sahari directly assisted over 1700 households in two localities in North Darfur. We provided Income-Generating Activity (IGA) training, improved agricultural inputs, and livestock support.

COOPI Collaboration: Our focus extended to improving the livelihoods of South Sudanese refugees in Al Laiet, North Darfur.

UNDP Value Chain Project: Sahari strengthened the capacities of gum Arabic and groundnut producer associations in Dar es Salaam locality.

Rain-Fed Farmers:
We distributed donkey-ploughs, seedlings, and improved hoes to rain-fed farmers, enhancing their productivity.

Mellit Locality:
Sahari worked directly with over 2500 women in Mellit locality under a literacy food-for-asset project with WFP. Post-harvest technology capacity-building initiatives (in collaboration with WFP and COOPI) aimed to reduce crop losses and improve storage facilities.

Beneficiary Registration and Silo Distribution:
We registered beneficiaries and distributed silos as part of a WFP post-harvest loss (PHL) project. Our commitment to food security and livelihoods remains unwavering. By empowering communities and implementing sustainable practices, we strive to create lasting positive impact.